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August Music Electives at the Philadelphia International Music Festival

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Choose One, Two, or Three Class Options:

Private Practice Coaching Seminar with Madison Day: As musicians, the practice room is where the most improvement is made.  There is only one tried and true formula for getting better, and that is: practice, practice, practice. Study daily with Madison Day, Assistant Artistic Director of the Philadelphia International Music Festival, to perfect practice techniques and enhance the effectiveness of each and every practice session.

Conducting: Learn what it takes to have the whole orchestra at the tips of your fingers. Explore what conductors need to do to understand the myriad of notes being performed at once. Study the popular conducting patterns and styles of some of the most outstanding conductors in history, and experiment and practice to find what works best for you.

Music Theory: Study Music Theory daily with Jonathan Moser, String Techniques and Chamber Music Professor at Mercyhurst University . Understand the “mathematics” of music, why music “works,” why music is written the way it is, and more. Discover what music is – beyond the sound made when playing your instrument.  Enhance your playing by learning the fundamentals of theory, and grow in your own practice time using your newfound knowledge.

Composition: How did Beethoven compose his famous ninth symphony? Music Composition leaves plenty of room for creativity, but there is certainly a “science” to be used when writing music, as well. Learn how to create your own works of art. Learn how to frame your creativity into a musical piece to be shared and enjoyed by the world. Are you the next Beethoven? – Find out!

Music Industry: Enhance your performance skills with a knowledge and understanding of the Music Industry. How do musicians make money in music? Who really owns a song you write? How do artists make their money when a majority of their music exposure is through free platforms such as the radio or Spotify? How can you use your knowledge of the industry to your advantage? Learn all of this and more with this introduction to the Music Industry.

Music History: Time travel through the history of music with Ellen Youssefian, accomplished pianist and Adjunct Professor at the Boyer College of Music, as you explore how music evolved from “the beginning” to today.  How did classical music evolve into the songs we listen to on the radio? Learn all about the Classical, Baroque and Romantic periods of classical music. Each class will include YouTube clips of music as well as class discussion time as we all travel hundreds of years through history together.

More information and Sign up here

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